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Treasurer's Page

Treasurer’s Page

District Treasurer - Abigayle pelton

Dear Carolinas District Key Club,

My name is Abigayle Pelton and I am so honored to be working with you this year! I am so excited to be on the executive board as your 2024-2025 District Treasurer! I am a rising Senior at South Johnston High School in Four Oaks, NC. I enjoy hanging out with friends and family, cheering at football games, listening to country music and going to church.

My Key Club journey started my freshman year when I first joined the club, but my spark for the organization didn’t appear until my first District Convention as a sophomore. That weekend I decided to become a Lieutenant Governor, and ever since I have been all in! As a Lieutenant Governor, I truly gained a love for service and learned so much that has prepared me for the role of Treasurer. My goal this year is to soak up all of my Key Club "lasts” and work to make an impact on the Carolinas District in the time i have left in this wonderful organization!

As your Treasurer, it is my responsibility to assist with submitting dues, while also working to re-activate and charter new clubs. I have the honor to help grow the Carolinas District, and I am so excited to work with all of you to make this happen! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at:

Yours In Service,

Abigayle Pelton