Club Officer Information
Club Officer Information
To make it easier to turn in officer information, this form has been put on the web site for club officers to use. If you have not turned in your club officer information, please do so now! It is very important that the clubs get the proper mailings, etc. that they need to function. This form will take all that info and send it to the correct addresses.
Due to the abrupt closure of schools across North and South Carolina, many Key Clubs were unable to elect new club officers. If that is the case for your Key Club, do not fret! Please reference the below points if your club was unable to elect new officers. But, as a general rule of thumb, always submit information for the CURRENT officers.
If the 2023-2024 officers are still serving your club, submit information for the president and advisor
Please do not submit information for graduating seniors
If your president is a graduating senior, please submit information for the next officer that is not graduating
If all of your officers are graduating, submit information for the president. Make sure that the email address you submit is not affiliated with their high school, as they will lose access to that account soon. Please make sure that a lieutenant governor may reach out to contact the president in the coming weeks.
Thank you for your continued service during this time!
If you have questions, please contact Gracen Barsanti, 2024-2025 District Secretary, at