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Key Club Dues


In order to remain an active member in Key Club International, it is required that you pay dues to the organization each year. Dues for members of the Carolinas District are $16.50, $10.00 of which goes to Key Club International, while the remaining $6.50 goes to the Carolinas District. As a member, you will pay your dues to your club adviser, who will record and update your club’s roster information in the Membership Update Center (more information below).

Please keep in mind that club fees cannot exceed the International dues amount of $10.00, according to Key Club International by-laws. This means that clubs cannot charge members any amount greater than $26.50.


The Early Bird deadline for dues is November 1; the deadline for all dues payment is December 1. Normal club suspension process begins on February 1 by Key Club International and, after a substantial period of no dues payment, will eventually lose their club charter. The Carolinas District is seeking to have all clubs avoid this and turn in dues by the Early Bird deadline. Our District Board willing to assist you and your club in any way to achieve this goal.

Membership Update Center (MUC)

What is the Membership Update Center? The MUC is an online program for club advisors to update their current roster of club members and receive an invoice for dues. 

MUC log-in process steps:

  1. Click this link to reach the Membership Update Center (MUC) through Key Club International.

  2. Once you're on the MUC page, enter your email and password if you already have an account set up.*

  3. The information that should be entered for each member needs to include their name, email address, and graduation year.

  4. The dues payment can be sent in one of two ways: sent online with school card information OR sent through the mail with a check along with a printed out invoice and club roster.

*If you do not have a MUC account set up, follow these extra steps:

  1. Select the Register/Reset Password link located at the bottom of the web page.

  2. Enter the preferred email address and select the "Submit" button.

  3. An email should arrive in your inbox within a few minutes with a link that can be used to either change or create a new password for your account.


If you have questions, email your Division’s Lieutenant Governor (which can be found here), District Treasurer Abigayle Pelton at, or District Administrator J. Scott Johnson at