Student Level Contest Winners
Student Level Awards
2021 - 2022 Student Award Winners!
Please View the following message from the 2021-2022 District Board:
Dear Carolinas District,
This year's distinguished award winners deserve recognition for their hard work and leadership given a global pandemic. To be able to adapt to a new setting, completely different from past years is highly commendable. The foundations of Key Club are seen through these winners, as great leaders going above and beyond their call to serve others. Congratulations to the following:
Annie Luong - Robert F. Lucas Distinguished LT Governor
Pranay Koneru - Robert F. Lucas Distinguished LT Governor
Ore Falaki - Robert F. Lucas Distinguished LT Governor
Aasha Paredes - Robert F. Lucas Distinguished LT Governor
Yadira Paz-Martinez - Robert F. Lucas Distinguished LT Governor
The Carolinas District is extremely proud this year that all four of our executive officers have been recognized as Distinguished Executive Officers!
Julia Kasper Distinguished Editor
Jackson White Distinguished Secretary
Jake Kornegay Distinguished Treasurer
Raghav Chari Distinguished Governor
Raghav Chari
Jackson White
Jake Kornegay
Julia Kasper
Yours in Service,
The 2021-2022 Carolinas District Board
Distinguished officer award
Please view the following message from District Governor, Raghav Chari:
Dear Carolinas District,
As you all know, Key Club is built on the foundation of student leadership, and every year we have four executive officers that work hard to ensure the success of the Carolinas District. The Key Club International Committee recognizes a few of these executive officers from all across the world in various Districts to receive the Distinguished Executive Officer Award as a testimony to their outstanding leadership, passion, and service to ensure the success of their District and we are extremely proud to announce this year that all four of our executive officers have been recognized as Distinguished Executive Officers! The Carolinas District was only one of three Districts out of all 34 Districts to have all four executive officers be recognized with such an outstanding award! I am extremely proud to congratulate our 2019-2020 Executive Board:
Distinguished District Governor Colby Loveless
Distinguished District Secretary Adam Horne
Distinguished District Treasurer Raghav Chari
Distinguished District Editor Gaby Tucker
It truly takes a lot of time, effort, and passion in their commitment to Key Club to have been recognized by Key Club International with such an award and we could not be prouder of our executive officers!
Yours in Service,
Raghav Chari
Carolinas Key Club District Governor
Please take a moment to read the following message from past District Governor, Colby Loveless:
Colby Loveless
Thank you for landing on the district webpage that honors members of the 2019-2020 District Board for outstanding service. The highest level of recognition for any Lt. Governor is the Robert F. Lucas Distinguished recognition. These student leaders represent the top Lt. Governors in the entire organization, and we are proud to have 8 members of the 2019-2020 board receiving this recognition for exemplary work.
We also recognize a select of Lieutenant Governors with the Notable Service award. While these individuals were not distinguished with Robert F. Lucas, their accomplishment still stood out amongst their peers and they received special recognition for their terms. It is an incredible honor to be awarded Notable Service.
As the Governor while these members served the District, I couldn’t be more proud to have so many Lieutenant Governors earn special recognition for their terms. They all made me a better person while they worked to make the world a better place. The camaraderie our board shared, and the examples these individuals set, made for a great year of service in the Carolinas. It was an honor to be a part of their journeys and watch them do amazing things.
Yours in Service,
Colby Loveless
Robert F. Lucas Award
Message from Past District Governor, Colby Loveless:
Every year the Governor of the Carolinas District has the opportunity to distinguish one of the board members as the outstanding board member. This individual is one that not only does well in the office of Lieutenant Governor, but one that is also a friend to all. This year’s winner is nothing short of amazing. This person never failed to make me and those around her smile. She topped her cheerful presence off with her outstanding service to our District. I could always rely on this individual in a pinch. She was willing and ready to go above and beyond in her duties as a Lieutenant Governor, a committee chair, and a friend. I am proud to announce that Mathangi Mohanarajah is the 2019-2020 Carolinas District Outstanding Board Member.
In addition, the Governor of the District is able to award a Governor’s award the people that greatly contributed to their service and their Key Club careers. Before I announce who I am awarding with this honor, I would like to thank everyone that guided me to be governor and guided me throughout my term as governor. People like Larry Hewett who I met before I grew my first chest hair. Cullen Tyndall, who never ceases to answer the call to service for our District. David Vaughn and Gene McCaskill who offer some the funniest moments and best guidance at board meetings. Chrystal Rowe, Erin Collums, Megan Wood, Lynsay Puthoff, Bev Martin, and Elizabeth Tezza who always offer their assistance in teaching our board members, but also never cease to check in on their well-being at board meetings and district events. Wendy Srinivasan who has been an ever flowing source of emotional support and smiles at times when I need them most. Denise and Butch Owens who offer their contagious love for service even through the toughest of times. My best friend Quinn who went to every International Convention to support me. And J. Scott Johnson who transformed my life, offering me valuable lessons at least twice a week, getting on my grill when he needed to but letting me take the reigns at other times so I could have the chance to learn who I was as a leader.
Now that I’ve had the chance to thank those crucial figures in my servant leadership development, there are two that I would like to give my Governor’s Awards to.
The first of the recipients was immediately my friend upon joining the board at the end of my freshman year. This person made sure I had someone to talk to upon my arrival at the Basic District Leadership Experience. Since then, this person has been someone I look up to and aspire to be like. The drive, kindness, and love in this person is limitless. We have developed inside jokes, been through the best and worst of times together, and been best buds through it all. I will always be able to lean on Isabelle Salzmann, past Governor of the Carolinas Key Club District. I can’t express how big of a role Isabelle played in my Key Club journey, and in my development as a young leader.
My last Governor’s award goes to someone that has been there for me since before day one. This Key Club advisor by the name of Mary Loveless got me involved in Service, got me involved in Key Club, and you know... got me involved in life. She followed me in my journey on the district board, going to international conventions, board meetings, District conventions, and much more. She listened to my speeches, helped me pick out my outfits, and dealt with my car singing, all the while cooking my dinner and making sure I was up for school in time. I remember standing backstage when my mom was awarded with Honorary Membership, looking at Mr. Johnson, and yelling “THAT’S MY MAMA!”. Today I can award my mama with my Governor’s award. Thank you for everything, mom. I love you!
Outstanding Board Member
Mathangi Mohanarajah