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District and International Contests

District and International Level Contests

All District and International level contests submissions should be mailed in to the District Office by March 1, 2015.  Only clubs that attend the convention are eligible to submit entries and win awards.


The Distinguished Club Award program shall provide recognition to individual Key Clubs for their overall performance in the combined areas of club administration, membership and leadership development, Kiwanis family involvement, service and fund-raising as judged against a pre-established standard of excellence.  Entries shall use the official Annual Achievement Report form, located in the current year’s Key Club International Guidebook.  Entries are judged based upon achieving a percentage of accumulated points in the categories of the club Annual Achievement Report.  Only activities that occur from district convention to district convention shall be included.  Appropriate recognition will be awarded to those clubs that qualify under the rules stated.  All entries may be picked up on Sunday.


Using the official Key Club Single Service Report form found in the current year’s Key Club International Guidebook, a club may enter its best single project dedicated to service within the school or community during the past service year (from district convention to district convention). Clubs shall compete with other clubs of similar size within four membership categories:  Bronze (35 and fewer members), Silver (36-60 members), Gold (61-85 members), and Platinum (more than 86 members).  First, Second, and Third place will be awarded in each membership category.  The first place district winner will be eligible to compete in the International contest, and will be submitted by the District.  All other entries may be picked up on Sunday.


This award is presented to clubs that, through unselfish efforts, have produced the best Major Emphasis Program Project. The activity described can cover any phase of Key Club Major Emphasis Involvement during the year from district convention to district convention.  The report may include newspaper clippings, substantiating photographs, or other pertinent information.  All entries are judged and awards will be given to the first, second and third place entries.   Clubs are reminded to follow carefully the contest rules located in the current year’s Key Club International Guidebook.  The first place district winner will be eligible to compete in the International contest, and will be submitted by the District.  All other entries may be picked up on Sunday.


The topic for the 2015 Oratorical Competition will be “What will Key Club accomplish in the next 10 years before Key Club's 100th anniversary?” Each orator will be allowed a maximum of five minutes for his/her presentation concerning this topic. The speech must be prepared and rehearsed in advance. Consult the rules regarding this contest located in the current year’s Key Club International Guidebook. Judging will be based upon clarity of the message, depth, originality, organization, reference, grammar, word choice, posture, voice, and the attention of the audience. The oratorical preliminaries will be held as announced in the convention agenda. The three top finalists will speak at the Saturday night session where prizes for first, second, and third places will be awarded. The first place winner will be eligible for competition at the International Convention.


Should be brought to Convention and NOT mailed in advance. Please note: a club cannot enter both Traditional and Non-Traditional Scrapbooks

Clubs are encouraged to enter a scrapbook containing pictures, souvenirs, newspaper clippings, and other mementoes of the Key Club year from district convention to district convention.  Each scrapbook must be divided into the following categories:  Service to School, Service to Community, Fundraising Projects, Assistance to Kiwanis Projects, and Miscellaneous.  Each category must be tabbed accordingly.  All entries are judged and awards will be given to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place entries.  The first and second place district winners will be eligible to compete in the International competition, but winners are responsible for submitting the entry at the International convention.  Clubs are reminded to follow carefully the contest rules located in the current year’s Key Club International Guidebook.  Be sure to include the cost form, located in the Guidebook, on the inside front cover of the scrapbook. Scrapbooks must be turned in by the end of Registration on Friday of Convention.   All entries may be picked up on Sunday.  All submissions will be available for viewing on Saturday after judging, but clubs are asked to not retrieve the scrapbook until Sunday.


Should be brought to Convention and NOT mailed in advance. Please note: a club cannot enter both Traditional and Non-Traditional Scrapbooks

A Club may enter a non-traditional scrapbook or composition of other media containing pictures, souvenirs, examples, newspaper clippings, or other representations of its activities during the club administrative year (defined as being from district convention to district convention).  Each scrapbook must be divided into the following categories:  Service to School, Service to Community, Fundraising Projects, Assistance to Kiwanis Projects, and Miscellaneous.  No audit, visual, or computer equipment will be allowed as part of the entry.  The entry must be sturdy to allow handling by judges as necessary.  All entries are judged and awards will be given to the first, second and third place entries.  The first and second place district winners will be eligible to compete in the International competition, but winners are responsible for submitting the entry at the International convention.  Clubs are reminded to follow carefully the current year’s Key Club International Guidebook rules.   Be sure to include the cost form, located in the Guidebook, on the inside front cover of the scrapbook. Scrapbooks must be turned in by the end of Registration on Friday of Convention.  All entries may be picked up on Sunday.  All submissions will be available for viewing on Saturday after judging, but clubs are asked to not retrieve the scrapbook until Sunday.


Should be brought to Convention and NOT mailed in advance

The poster should be designed to recruit new members for Key Club, and should not bear the name of any school, community, or district.  All entries are judged and awards will be given to the first, second and third place entries.  Guidelines for the contest, including size restrictions, can be found in the current year’s Key Club International Guidebook.  The first and second place district winners will be eligible to compete in the International competition, but winners are responsible for submitting the entry at the International convention.    All entries may be picked up on Sunday. 


Should be brought to Convention and NOT mailed in advance

The video should be a promotional video for Key Club as an organization and/or the Key Club within its respective school/community.  Guidelines for participation in this contest can be found in the current year’s Key Club International Guidebook.  Awards will be given to the first, second, and third place entries.  Rules to enter this contest are located in the current year’s Key Club International Guidebook.  The first and second place district winners will be eligible to compete in the International competition, but winners are responsible for submitting the entry at the International convention.  All entries may be picked up on Sunday.